Friday, May 29, 2009

almost done with school!

Hello! I am getting worse and worse at updating this so I finally told myself I needed to sit down and write some things out (especially because that is so much more interesting than writing an 8 page paper!) A few things have happened since I last blogged. Last weekend was international food fair on campus! Campus East itself has students from 43 different countries which is amazing in itself. So for one day they shut down the kitchen and teams of different countries prepare food from their home country and all students come out and go around to each stall to try some different food out. I was on team Italy (yes, I am quite aware that I am not from Italy it's just team U.S.A. was headed by another group of people and my roommate was the head of Italy so she kind of recruited me to help out) We made a dessert and a pasta dish - the dessert was so good! A dense chocolate cake with a middle filling nutella and marscapone and then the pasta was just fresh tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and italian spices. Our food stall was the first to run out of food so I deemed that meaning Italy won haha but every country put forth such amazing dishes that I had never tasted before. I was so full for the rest of the day but it was a great event that I'm so glad campus puts on for us.

Another night my friends here and I decided to do was a Wine and Cheese night. I was in charge of getting all the cheese and everyone would bring a couple dollars and a bottle of wine. I went a little overboard with the varieties of cheese but hey, if it looked good, I got it! and it was delicious! Here is the spread:

From Right all the way around clockwise is homemade guacamole, then a plate with laughing cow variety pack cheeses. The next plate had four different types - Danish blue cheese, gouda, a swiss cheese, and a sundried tomato cheese that was SO GOOD! Then a plate of hard salami with different types of crackers. The next plate had a cream cheese spread that was flavored with sweet thai chili sauce - another fan favorite. A tin of feta cheese and semi-sundried tomatoes in seasoned oil. A chunk of Norwegian cheese - jarlsberg and cambert. A dish of green olives with those fun tooth picks with the tassles. Cut up Dipping bread with Extra Virgin Olive Oil I got in the hunter valley and this balsamic glaze that goes down the bottom and makes a delicious dip. And then a whole plate of cheddar cheese slices with apples and crackers. The finishing plate was a three creamed brie and a salt-washed rind cheese that is like brie but a little more punch to it - mmmm...Altogether it was delectable!

Then comes the wine part!! Above is Matt, Amanda and Myself with our delicious wines and below is the whole spread of the different wines we all brought and shared! I also broke out my little bottle of chili schnapps which we all took shots of at the end of the night to top it off. I actually passed mine to someone else because I tried it on my wine tour (I also didn't want to have my mouth be on fire for the rest of the evening). It was a great night just to get away from tests and assignments and attempt to be sophisticated together.

So I've figured out I only have one more week on Monday left in school which is so bittersweet. I got to talk with Jean Marie yesterday and it made me miss home quite a bit but at the same time I really do not want to leave lovely Australia! Also talking to Jean Marie I've realized there are some avid readers of my blog - thanks for reading!! I do have a shout out for one particular reader - Joy Agule! Joy, I have to give you props because Jean Marie informs me not "Brenna, I was reading your blog" but instead "Joy was telling me that you have in your blog that you did...." haha so Thank you for updating my mom because she wouldn't know half the things if it weren't for you :) also I hope you're doing well and I can't wait to see you when I get back!!

Also about five minutes ago I was a little bored and realized that my sort of bangs were quite long. Nikolai my roommate was just floating around in my room and I told him I think I should cut my hair. My friend Taylor did my bangs one random night and they came out really good so I decided I could do it too. My being the idiot I am just cut them SO SHORT - haha I look like a little boy who was attacked by his mother with a bowl to get his bangs trimmed up. Nikolai also photographed the whole event because he knew I would mess it up somehow - well pat yourself on the back Nikolai, I messed up. Whatever, hair grows back but now there's this big clump on my desk and it makes me a bit depressed that I just did that haha. So word of advice, if you're a little nervous to cut your own hair don't do it ha.

1 comment:

  1. 在莫非定律中有項笨蛋定律:「一個組織中的笨蛋,恆大於等於三分之二。」...............................................................
