Tuesday, April 21, 2009

computers are stupid

So, I got all excited to come back from spring break and upload photos and update my blog and my computer decided he wanted to ruin my dreams. Apparently my screen lights have slowly gone out to the point where my screen is now all black with little visuals of what i'm supposed to be seeing. So this whole week (aka two days) has been me mooching off of people's computers and being in the computer lab constantly. But the girls got back fine and dandy...we went to the Aquarium our last day to find nemo and see sharks. We were successful on both so that was a plus and then went and got meat pies (which are a big thing here). But I got an email from Becca saying they got in safely which was great!

I am actually flying out to Tasmania today which is ridiculous and I can't believe I just got back from an adventure and I'm going right back to another one but I can't wait! The cadbury chocolate factory is there so that was a big starred item on my list haha. But I will update you on all the adventures once I get back!! Hope you're having a great week!

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