Wednesday, April 8, 2009

hellloooo Easter Break!

So I am right now in an internet Cafe in Sydney with BECCA AND MOLLIE!! :) so exciting!! So I finished my 12 page presentation on Weds in my P.E. class to triumphantly head to Sydney to get the girls at the airport at 7:25am. I stayed at my friend Janie's apartment because she's right by the train station and that way I wouldn't have to wake up at 4:00 am to get a train to Sydney. Bec and Mollie arrived safely rambling about this and that...well more Becca because let's be honest, she talks more than any person and Mollie is just the side-cart girl (no offense's just a fact). We had a lovely breakfast and got phone cards so we could call Jean Marie and Big Dave - I didn't even try for Nana because she only spoke to me for maybe 30 seconds the last time I attempted and promptly said "Oh, that sounds important! Jean Marie, Brenna needs to tell you something important"...I knew I had lost her haha. But we're planning on doing some site seeings before Holy Thursday mass and then going to bed because the girls probably will hit a wall because of jet lag and we have an early morning wake-up to go off to the Hunter Valley for some wine tasting!! So this is just a quick update but hopefully I'll be able to post some more as we go abouts our travels! Happy Easter to everyone!

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