Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Other Part to the Story

I've realized that every time I post a blog, about an hour later I remember something that I'm like "shoot, I meant to put that in!" So, I'm here to update you on the forgotten stories from Adelaide. The first one I thought of was our Kangaroo Island catastrophe. So Kangaroo island is known for obviously kangaroos and I guess they aren't really the smartest of animals. On our way back to our "farm" where we were staying, our tour guide actually hit one on the road after it hopped out and then right back into traffic. Now I was unaware if you hit a kangaroo, you actually have to kill it. So here comes this cute little petite tour guide to the back of the bus where we were and I thought she was going to get out a gun. No, no...she reaches down and gets a hollow, metal pipe and was like "I'm sorry guys. I can't believe I have to do this, but I love animals way to much to let it suffer." So of course everyone on our tour bus stood up trying to get a good view. I however, turned around and got to watch everyone else's expressions which was actually kind of hilarious. Rolf next to me decided to get out his high tech camera and take continuous photos of it. But after several hits I guess, our guide moved it to the side of the road and we were on our way again. It definitely was a different kind of encounter with a kangaroo.
The second story I forgot to tell was how much I hate JetStar. JetStar is an airline that sells super cheap tickets but is also horrible at the same time. So all of us brought carry on lugguge so we didn't have to deal with checking anything and when I checked in to go back, I had to weigh my carry on items (this is something we didn't have to do on the plane ride there flying with Qantas) and it turns out I was 5kg over their limit (which is about 10 pounds). My carry on luggage was far smaller in width and length than several other peoples but because of the weight (I had bought a bottle of olive oil and tomato sauce at this delicious vendor in Central Market which together weighed about 5 pounds) I had to check a bag. Now, if I signed up to check a bag online with JetStar it's only $10. But if on the day of you find yourself in the pickle I was were you had to unexpectedly check a bag it costs you $80. WHAT!? How is that even reasonable. The woman wouldn't even let us take things out. Ah, it was so frustrating! So I got my nice little receipt and sent my bag off to the world of $80 checked bags. I don't think the total contents of my bag equaled $80 - but whatever, you roll with the punches and you deem JetStar the worst ever. I also found out yesterday that Becca, Mollie and my JetStar flight back to Sydney from Cairns decided to change it's schedule. We are now leaving 9 hours earlier!? I called them because in the email there was only an agree button - not a disagree one, and the man said he could only give me a refund - there were no other flights that day. I made up a story and said that we had a booked dive and weren't getting back until the afternoon and he apologized and said he couldn't do anything about the airline but give me a refund. By this time though, flight prices on other airlines are around $700 one way so it would be a waste of money to try and switch airlines to get a later flight out. Ah! They probably have in fine print somewhere that they're allowed to do that but I think that's a little meany-head of them. Honestly, they are not high in my books right now. But on a lighter note - Becca and Mollie arrive in two days - OH MAN TWO DAYS!! I'm super excited!!

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