Monday, April 13, 2009

The stupids hit up Sydney

I am sitting in my hostel right now, in Cairns :) so exciting!! It's still quite early, but that's because Mollie was a little tired (dun dun duuuuunnn) so we headed back a little early but that's okay because now it's gives me time to update this (Kelsie Bouchard this is for you)! Our adventure started in Sydney where we had a day to tour around first before Holy Thursday mass. We decided to walk places and figured out maps in Australia show everything in a much larger scale so we could get everywhere on foot pretty easily. We walked around Darling Harbour as well as Circular Quay. We then went to the Botanic Gardens to tour around. They had the most beautiful rose garden that just smelled out of this world. It was almost too much, like it was fake or they had secret little sprayers in the trees to omit the smell but no - it was natural...crazy! We were then able to walk through to the Opera House and tour around! obviously kodak moments were a must. We then stopped at a restaurant called macchiato and had homemade pizza that was delicious and italian and our waitress had the most adorable accent! We then trekked out to a town a little ways away to meet my chaplain at UoW who was having a Easter retreat and we celebrated Holy Thursday mass there. It was very good although I will say the priest spoke at quite a shouting level...I almost broke down at one point during mass with giggles because he was speaking so loudly but I luckily locked it up!
On Friday we did a Hunter Valley wine tour which was AWESOME! the last time I went we did big, commercial vinyards but this tour was called "Boutique wine tours" so all the ones we went to had were little tiny places that only sold their bottles from their specific stores. They were so tasty and our tour guide was absolutely hilarious which made the day that much more great! We got back and had a cheese picnic on our hostel beds (I know that sound gross and you're thinking of those lights from CSI being shown on the covers but it was in a plastic box...nothing spilled on the bed...even if it did, let's be honest - when it comes to food my family is gross and will eat anything and everything no matter what non-sanitary surface it touches). We then went to bed to wake up on the early side to do the Sydney Harbour bridge climb. We stopped at a little french place in the morning to grab some pastries for breakfast and then walked over to the bridge. Again we had another great tour guide named Chris who was a little appalled by our "funny" pictures which primarly were instigated by me. In one I think I actually reached out at Becca and after he took it he was like "is that an eye gouge!? you are poking her directly in the eye but that's okay because it looks like she's strangling you. You do realize these go up on a big screen where people can see them?"...yea about that...haha but the views were amazing and we did the discovery climb where you got to learn about all the fun facts having to do with the actual structure of the bridge which was right up Mollie's alley! it was spectacular and we then bought several pictures at the end of us doing it!

okay I only have six minutes left and I don't have any more dollar coins so this is going to be a to be continued to be continued........

ooo i felt like I was an episode of friends or something where you're just WAITING for the next one and it says that and you're like nooooooo...I hope that's what just happened with you! actually I don't...cause that's kind of sad...that you just got upset about my blog...flattering...but really...find a hobby...or come and visit me! good see you next week!

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