Monday, March 23, 2009

Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you an update on things! School is going well - I'm in the middle of my five hour break at Uni and I have just gotten done three assignments in the library so this was my break for being so deligent! I guess I haven't really shared my class schedule so this is what I do on a weekly basis:

Monday: 8:30-9:30 Aboriginal Studies Lecture (super boring and basically pointless, I still go to it though so I can do homework in the library after)
12:30-1:30 - Scripture and Prayer (this is at the Catholic Society chaplaincy. It's a great way for me to take a break out of my day and we pick one scripture from the Bible and go into it a little ending in prayer

Tuesday: 8:30-9:30 Learner's With Exceptional Needs Tutorial (Just like a recitation at home except this one is broken up into all P.E. students which is awesome because then we can do things that are specifically applicable to P.E.)
2:30-3:30: PASS class for Australian Studies (this is basically like extra help but I think you secretly get extra credit for going to this. It's with students who have taken the class before and statistically those that attend this get 15 points higher a semester - banging!)
3:30-5:30 Australian Studies Lecture
5:30-6:30 Australian Studies Tutorial (This ends my streak of Australian studies ridiculousness. I would probably space out in this tutorial but my tutor is the lecturer so it's a little more intense but she is actually really nice and super interesting so I'm okay with it)

Wednesday: 10:30-11:30 Net/Court Games (this is one part to my Skill Analysis class but it's awesome because he goes over how you modify the class while still challenging students. Very hands on in-depth P.E. class)
12:30-1:30 Daily Mass with Catholic Society
1:30-2:30 Target Games (Part two of skill analysis, another awesome class of application with education)
3:30-5:30 Aboriginal Studies Tutorial (this class is "Death Class". It's two hours with a ridiculous tutorial woman who nervously laughs all the time and doesn't really answer questions. We also have a 68 year old man named "Marve" in class who has hearing aids so he talks in an outdoor voice and always interrupts the tutor. We also have a girl that asks questions at the very end of class keeping us after for a good five minutes when we didn't think 2 hours could ever go slower. I cringe thinking about this class)

Thursday: 1:30-3:30 Learner's with Exceptional Needs Lecture (this would be bad because it's my only class on thursday but the professor is super awesome and I really enjoy the lecture)

Friday: 1:30-3:30 Aquatics - I haven't had this one yet but I'm excited to see except our big assignment in this class seems impossible so that will be interesting to do haha

I also was quite a risk taker this week and myself and three others just decided to book flights to the Adelaide which is the food capital of Australia - we leave thursday haha. I still can't believe I'm going so soon - man that's in two days! But I'm quite excited because we are doing a two day tour on Kangaroo Island so that should be outstanding! We are also doing a Haigh's Chocolate factory tour and a tour of central market with food and wine tours of adelaide so I'm excited to eat...yessss! I just now have to play catch up so I can get work done prior to leaving because I know I won't do it there and I dont' want it all in my face when I get back so I am being very studious! But I am really excited and can't wait to Blog about it once I get back! Also Becca and Mollie come in two weeks - DYING!! soooo crazy!!

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