Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kangaroos are both adorable and delicious!

This weekend, a group of eight of us took a trip down to Bateman's Bay which is about three hours south of where we live in Wollongong. One of the Australians I have met here is lovely and her name is Sophie. She's originally from Perth which is all the way across the country but her family has a vacation house in Bateman's Bay so she kindly enough invited some of us up for the weekend to get away for a bit. We arrived Friday night to the most beautiful house. As soon as you walk in, you take in the huge space of the living area/kitchen which is wide open and magnificently decorated. There was a long dinner table that faces out to the house wide glass windows facing the beach. The bedrooms were gorgeous and I actually got to sleep in the bedroom where it is said Princess Diana slept right before she announced her engagement! (There were about seven different tiaras in the room - it was awesome!)
The next morning, we leisurely got up and made a delicious breakfast of egg in a hole - you take a piece of bread and cut a circle into it. Then put it on the grill and crack on egg in the hole. Flip it both sides until cooked - egg-in-a-hole! Two of the boys went out snorkeling and the rest of us took a drive to McKenzie beach. We walked out to the water and I felt like I was in a movie or somewhere in the Caribbean. The water was glass clear and turquoise with pristine waves and the softest sand ever. The boogie boarding was so good and I had a great time teaching one of my friends Amanda how to do it. I felt like Big Dave a little bit yelling out - "okay get on your board, here's a good one" and then launching her off in front of the wave. We then regrouped and went on a kangaroo adventure. Sophie knew of a place where we could go see kangaroos in the wild and possibly feed them. Like idiots we forgot the apples so we didn't end up feeding them but they were EVERYWHERE! There were so many and you could get a good few feet near them before they all hopped away. And oh man were there legs looking powerful - it's almost like they have permanent crutches built in for legs. Afterwards we walked a little farther from where we were and had a beautiful scenic beach walk in and around rocks and beach.
That night - we were determined to try something a little adventurous - kangaroo meat. I know it sounds cynical to have just seen amazing kangaroo in the wild and then eat them but oh my goodness, kangaroo meat is so good. It's a very dark meat, almost like a flank steak but it's 98% fat free so it's a very lean meat. The boys came home with $90 worth of meat so we kind of had a feast. My roommate Pat fired up the grill and did a master job - it was so delicious! The next morning we even had kangaroo omelets with the left overs. My friend Adam from Indiana and Pat decided to go spear fishing for our meal on Sunday so they got all decked out in wet suits and weapons (not a fan - the spear gun freaks me out!). While they went spear fishing, we sunbathed and boogie boarded while watching them hunt hundreds of meters away. They came back with two huge fish and so we fired that up and ate it as a treat before our journey back to campus. Fresh fish is unbelievable. We also made friends at night with possums that we gave them apples and they let us pet them. It was unbelievable. All in all, it was a touch of heaven and the perfect get-away weekend!

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