Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Food is so yummy in my tummy!

This past weekend, a group of four of us (Nikolai my roommate, Nicole, and Rolf and myself) traveled to Adelaide which is the capital city of South Australia. It is also technically the food capital of Australia yum! Our travels to the airport however were ridiculous. We missed our train by just a minute and figured out that the next train was in an hour and a half. But we scanned down and figured out the stop next to us had a train going out in 10 minutes. So I stupidly said that we should buy our tickets because I read the sign wrong and figured we were picking the train up from the station we were already at. Once we had all bought our $20 dollar tickets, we read the sign again and figured out I was an idiot and we needed to get to the next station by walk/car in five minutes. We sprinted and caught a taxi which got us there ten minutes past the train. We then discovered that the next train would put us at the airport with 15 minutes to catch our plane - not so good. So we called a taxi because the one who brought us from the first to the next said he would drive us straight there for $25 each. We had already bought our train tickets so we thought that was ridiculous but now that was our only option. We called his company back and got a taxi. We asked the driver how much is was to the airport and it turned out that it's a flat rate of $180 because they can't work in Sydney so it would pay for their drive there and back. We were quite reluctant but it was our only option. But we got to the airport fine and started our adventure! We caught a bus from the airport and took it into the city. We ended up not knowing where to get off and took a little side trip into the suburban area of Adelaide before Rolf asked someone. Once we got turned around and found the right stop, it was a short walk to the hostel. We stayed at Cannon St. Backpackers which was almost like a college dorm. It had ping pong, a lively crowd, a bar and free apple pie at 8pm. We were able to book a four person room for $2 more a night so that worked out perfect. We grabbed some essentials and then were off to tour around and find dinner!

This was us on the bus from the Airport to the City - finally arrived!! Our trek to dinner was hilarious as Nicole and I were oogling over cute little cafes and restaurants with clean linen table clothes and little T-lights. The boys were totally fine going to McDonald's - ridiculous! So I told them that if we couldn't find anything, Nicole and I would go on a cute date of our own and leave the boys to their four dollar meal. We ended up finding this cool place call Woodshed that was rustic and most of all had kangaroo on the menu. Then the owner of the place next door convinced the boys that they served the best pasta in Adelaide - they were hooked and Nicole and I were left to eat at Pasta Palace - honestly, Pasta Palace!? haha but the gnocchi was actually pretty good and we got a decent sized house wine. But it was hard convincing Nikolai that Pasta Palace might not be your ideal spot to take a girl on a first date - although I will say the plaques on the wall were pretty spiffy! We went to bed on the early side because we had to be up at the crack of dawn for our Central Market tour with Adelaide food and wine tours. The Central Market was this big place with vendors and fresh produce, meat, bread, and cheeses. This is one of the pictures detailing the inside:

We met Helen our tour guide at 7:15am to have a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, warm croissants and fresh coffee (because I hate coffee I got a hot chocolate - it was amazing!). We then toured around and got to meet all different vendors and get samples of their food at most of the places. Helen was quite a chatter so she kept us super late. Rolf got a new camera lense so he was camera boy for the morning. Helen repeatedly asked him to send them to their company so they could add them to the website - so fun! I also had the best yogurt I have ever had at one of the vendors. It was 98% fat free and made with no sugar but instead sweetened with honey. We had the mixed berry kind and it was absolutley fabulous. It tasted like cheesecake but fresh and glorious and out of this world. This is us with Helen:
Afterwards, Helen realized she was really late for her second tour and she hadn't moved her car yet. She asked if any of us could move her car around the corner and up to the parking at the central market. I volunteered (I don't know what I was thinking because they drive on the other side of the road) so she gave me instructions we were off to hi-jack a car! We found it fine:
...But me being the idiot that I am started opening up the passenger side of the car because I was all excited to get in and drive I forgot it's reversed. Everyone else knew so they made me pose and take a picture and then decided to tell me I was stupid and needed to get on the other side. Oh goodness, I prayed I woulnd't do the same while driving. We parked the car however fine and now I can check off my list "drove an Australian car"! I still don't know what Helen was thinking but I'm totally okay with her trusting us and fulfilling one of my goals. We then walked around the city until our 1pm tour at Haigh's Chocolate Factory. The chocolate was so good and everything is hand made and the factory looks just like willy wonka's - so cool to watch. This is us in front of the sign:
We then decided to do some shopping. Nikolai and I tried on some sweet Akubra hots. I'm still a little upset I didn't buy this one - it was beautiful. I also would look ridiculous any other time then at like a rodeo or hunting crocodiles but hey, that happens on a frequent basis...
We then decided for dinner we would go back to the central market and get all the fixings for a picnic on Victoria Square which is this beautiful grass plaza in the city. We bought bread and then I got feta, sun dried tomatoes, hard salami, kalmata olives, brie, avocado, grapes and a big bucket of mixed berry yogurt! It was unbelievable. Everything was so fresh and delicious. I would break my bread into chunks and have different combinations of everything. One of my favorites was brie, sundried tomatoes, avocado and a little feta. Uh, my mouth is watering just thinking how glorious that event was. This was our lay out:
Our next adventure started the next day at 6:15 am when we were picked up from our hostel to tour Kangaroo Island. It took 2 hours to get to the ferry and then a 40 minute ferry over. Our first stop was Pennington Bay which was absolutley breath-taking. The water was so clear and turquoise with perfect surf. We only had time to walk around a bit but the sand was so fine and soft and the rocks were awesome as well. Nicole and Nikolai made it all the way up the top:

This was the view of Pennington Bay:

We then went to the farm where we were staying, grabbed some lunch and went on to the next stop - a bird show. Nicole got to get up and hold some Kookaburras on her arm:

We then bee-bopped over to see some fur seals. You can't see the seals in the background but this is us in the caves with seals in the background haha:

We then went to the Remarkable Rocks which I don't actually know why they are remarkable but they were pretty fun to jump around. We didn't know what to do with just looking at rocks for 45 minutes so we started taking random photos. We have one with self-timer and ones looking like someone is getting pushed off the rocks. Jumping pictures as well peekaboo shots were taken - it was fun to play photographer. This is one of our more creative ones - can you find all four of us?:
We then went to the beach for the rest of the day and snorkeled a little bit. At night we trekked out to go see the little penguins come back from fishing all day. Because they have very sensitive eyes, we weren't allowed to take pictures but we did get to see several of them which were super cute. The stars were actually one of the most amazing sites - you could see the milky way and everything. The next day we went to see the Sea Lions down at a Conservatory where only guided tours can go and see the seals. We got to be about ten feet from them and watch them interact in the wild - this one kept on following us - looks just like a little puppy!:

We then were off to sand board - this is Rolf on the way to the dunes. It was one of my more creative photos I took so I wanted to add it to the blog:

The Dunes:

So you get this sled like sandboard and go right down these huge dunes. I bit it hard my first go and have it on video. Five dollars to see it...just kidding...but really it was bad. The good part is, it doesn't hurt, you just get sand everywhere. All of us did a couple runs but lagging up and down the dune was quite a difficult and by the time you get to the top you're exhausted. This was all of us on the top:
We then packed up and went to the beach for a couple hours. The boogie boarding was great and the sun was beautiful. We had gorgeous weather and it was absolutley fabulous. I was glad to get back and get some rest but traveling I've decided is awesome.

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